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Tony B. Testimonial

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Like many middle-aged men, especially post pandemic, my weight began to significantly impact my mobility, drive, and overall health. While I was thankful to not be morbidly obese, I was trending in the wrong direction with lab results showing pre-diabetes and a need for cholesterol medication. Unlike some others, however, I had dealt with weight issues for as long as I can remember, and I tried all sorts of diets. I was pretty good at losing weight, but was really good at putting it back on, and then some. As a result, my weight yo-yo'd for decades. Each time it did, I would establish my new "highest weight." First, it was 220 lbs, then 230, so on and so forth, until I topped out at 280 lbs, more than 100 lbs overweight.   

A friend referred me to the Wentworth-Douglass Center for Weight Management last fall. He was still crushing it three years after surgery, and our pre-surgery weight battles were nearly identical. On November 3rd, 2023, I had my first meeting with Emily Thompson and, frankly, never looked back. Over the following five months, I attended nutrition classes, conducted medical tests, had blood work done, and even underwent a psychological exam to prepare for my Gastric Bypass Surgery and post operative life. All the while, the team from WDCWM supported me, worked with my primary care physicians, managed my insurance, and provided timely and specific support when needed. Couple that with the program's curriculum, one jammed with multiple layers of support, and the result was a process that, while not easy, was made very manageable for me. On March 21st, I underwent Robotic Assisted Gastric Bypass Surgery, performed by Dr. Havaleshko, and my new life began.   

Seven weeks post op and I am 70 lbs lighter than my initial weight in November.  Most importantly, however, I have freed myself from a body and lifestyle I didn't recognize. I can't say enough about the team, most notably all of the nutritionists, dieticians, administrators, nurses, and other support personnel with whom Dr. Havaleshko has surrounded himself. I knew from my first meeting with them that my job was simple - to follow their lead. My success is a direct result of doing just that, and accepting the unwavering care and support they provided throughout the process. I am still weeks away from my goal weight, and will be learning to live free from the grip of poor nutrition for a lifetime, but with the support of the team at WDCWM, it's going to happen, and for that I am forever grateful.  

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