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Is your “glass” half full or half empty?

This is a guest post from Tom Levasseur, this year's Greater Dover Chamber of Commerce Volunteer of the Year. Tom is a dedicated member of the Wentworth-Douglass Foundation Board of Directors and a Co-Chair of the Seacoast Cancer 5k.

Is your “glass” half full or half empty?

The old proverb about your attitude suggests either you are optimistic – glass half full, or pessimistic – glass half empty, about what life has to offer you. But let me suggest a different way of looking at the whole glass.

If you have water in your glass at all, why not consider pouring some out? There is always a full pitcher of water around somewhere – life’s graces are always available for the taking. All we need is a positive attitude and a willingness to accept them into our lives.

So what do we do with a full glass of water… a full measure of life’s graces – our good health, our children, our spouses, our friends and colleagues who we admire… to name a few?

Let me suggest that the only effective way to deal with a full glass of life’s graces is to pour some out into the lives of others who are in need of them or for whom a measure would make a difference.

The moral is, your glass should always be half empty because you are constantly pouring some out! If it is, you will always be ready to accept more of the graces that life has to offer you. And, unlike a glass which is static in size and capacity, the spirit of a human being has an unlimited potential for growth…the more you pour out the bigger your glass seems to get… the bigger person you become! This allows you to attract more and more of life’s graces.

So don’t worry about which half you have… empty or full, rather focus your attention on pouring out what you have to others, keeping your glass constantly in motion and never turned upside down!


After receiving excellent care as a patient in the cardiac unit at Wentworth-Douglass, Tom became a volunteer here. Tom lives in Dover with his wife Nancy and is known to make The Most Perfect Margarita. Although they don't have any pets, Tom enjoys the wide variety of birds that stop by for a meal at their bird feeders.

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